Personal Healing
Multidimensional Healing| Ascension Remote Consultation
This is a remote healing where we meet on video or audio call and discus the intention of the healing or activation and bring through the healing codes in conjunction with divine guides and angels. This usually takes about 45 minutes to 1 hour.
If you choose it can be recorded so you can listen to it again. This is recommended as light language works a level deeper each time you listen. This can be a personal healing about a health or emotional issue, an energetic upgrade or it can be for relationship harmonisation or progression.
To purchase this healing/ activation, click here to pay. You will be redirected to payment options. Alternatively click on checkout below to add to your cart.
Please remember to add your email address when submitting payment so that I can email you to arrange a time and date.
Personal Full Healing Session
Full Remote Healing- £75
This healing is similar to the zoom video consultation above, however you do not have to connect via a call. You simply describe the issue you are having and Tracy will tune in and do a full healing around the issue/situation remotely. People find this useful in circumstances where they cannot find uninterrupted time/space, there are difficult timezones or they are easily distracted during a session. It can enable the session to go deeper into the undercurrents and can be scheduled for whilst you are sleeping.
Click here to order. You will be taken to a payment link, where you will also describe your issue for healing. Make sure you include your email address to receive the summary of the remote healing you have received.