Pastel Painting


This painting  contains the energy of a craniosacral therapy phenomena called "the long tide".  It is a rhythm that is accessed at the more spiritual end of the spectrum and connects with the "breath of life", the life giving energy that moves through all things, reorganises physical and energetic anatomy to its healed and flowing state.  This enters through your cerebro-spinal fluid that baths your spine and emerges like a warm golden honey and flushes out into all the cells of your body spreading health outwardly from the inside.  

Having this image in your environment or on your drinking bottle, will help you to receive resourcing divine energy and to allow it to move through your body, energy field and life to rebalance, align and heal all aspects of your life. It helps your light body to realign and for your cells to breathe quantum light for health, healing and spiritual radiance.

Longtide Painting
notebook with longtide painting and light code activated
Water bottle with longtide painting and light codes